Amour Fou

High Beginner
Rebecca Blower (UK) - April 2021
Amour Fou - ZOË

Start after 16 counts...

SECTION 1: Shuffle forward twice, Rock, Recover, Lock step (or shuffle) back
1&2Step R forward, step L behind R, step R forward,
3&4Step L forward, step R behind L, step L forward,
5-6Rock forward R, Recover L,
7&8Step R back, lock L across R, step R back,

SECTION 2: Lock step/shuffle back, Rock, recover, 1/4 turn twice
1&2Step L back, lock R across Left, step L back,
3-4Rock back R, recover L,
5-6Step forward R, pivot 1/4 turn to left, recover L (09:00),
7-8Step forward R, pivot 1/4 turn to lefty , recover L (06:00).

SECTION 3: 3 walks forward, tap side, behind, side, walk forward twice
1-2Walk forward R, L,
3-4Walk forward R, Tap L foot to L side,
5-6Tap L foot behind, Tap L foot to side,
7-8Walk forward L, R,

SECTION 4: Step forward, tap side, behind, side, Jazz Box 1/4 turn
1-2Walk forward L, Tap R foot to R side,
3-4Tap R foot behind L, Tap R foot to R side ***
5-6Cross R over L, 1/4 turn stepping back L (09:00),
7-8Step R to R side, step forward L (09:00)

*** RESTART on wall 4 after 28 counts... After tapping R foot to R side, miss out the jazz box and go straight to the start (shuffles forward).
Music goes quiet and sounds like a heart beat ♥
Option to start immediately by beginning at SECTION 3 (this will alter the wall positions listed above)

Contact: Rebecca Blower