Under The Neon (P)

Improver Partner
Claude Martin (CAN) - September 2021
Nothin' New Under the Neon - Midland

Intro 32 counts
Promenade Position: L.O.D. Opposite Foot

[1-8] Side, Point, 1/4 Turn, Point, Side, Point, Shuffle 1/4 Turn
1-2H: LF on the left, RF point next to it
 F: RF on the right, LF pointing to the side
3-4H: RF 1/4 turn right, LF point side OLOD
 F: LF 1/4 turn left, RF point to side ILOD
Double Hand Hold
5-6H: LF left, RF point beside
 F: RF to right, LF point beside RF
keep hands low, left shoulder to left shoulder
7&8H: shuffle 1/4 turn right RLR RLOD
 F: shuffle 1/4 turn right LRL LOD
[9-16] H: Rock Step FW, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Walk, Walk, Shuffle FW
[9-16] F: Back Rock, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Step FW, Shuffle FW
1-2H: LF rock front, back to RF RLOD
 F: RF rock back, back to LF
3&4H : shuffle 1/2 turn left LRL LOD
 F: shuffle 1/2 turn left RLR RLOD
Drop left hand of the M, the L passes under her left arm and M right arm
5-6H: RF forward, LF forward
 F: LF front 1/2 turn left, RF in front of LOD
Take promenade position
7&8H : shuffle before RLR
 F: shuffle before LRL

[17-24] H: Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Pivot, Together, Side Shuffle
[17-24] F: Side Rock 1/2 Turn, Side Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Side Shuffle
1-2H: Rock LF on the left, recover on RF
 F: Rock RF on the right, recover on LF with 1/2 turn on the left RLOD
 Change hands, the L passes under her right arm and under the M left arm to change sides.
3&4H: LF crossed in front of RF, RF on the right, LF crossed in front of RF
 F: shuffle 1/4 turn right DGD ILOD
5-6H : RF front pivot 1/4 turn to the left , LF beside ILOD
 F: LF front pivot 1/2 turn right RF beside OLOD
 double hands hold
7&8H: shuffle side to right RLR
 F: shuffle side to left LRL

[25-32] Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle, Side, Behind, Shuffle 1/4 Turn
1-2H: LF crossed behind RF, RF to right, ILOD
 F: RF crossed behind LF, LF to left, OLOD
3&4H: LF crossed in front, RF right, LF crossed in front RF
 F: PD crossed in front, PG on the left, PD crossed in front PG
5-6H: RF side right, LF crossed behind RF
 F: LF side left, RF crossed behind LF
Letting go of hands, left of the L and right of the M, reverse promenade
7&8H : shuffle 1/4 turn right RLR LOD
 F : shuffle 1/4 turn left LRL LOD

[33-40] H: Rock FW, Side Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Step 1/4 Turn, Step FW, Shuffle 1/2 Turn
[33-40] F: Rock FW, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, (1/4 Turn x2), Shuffle Back
1-2H: LF rock front, back to RF
 F: RF rock front, back to LF
3&4H : shuffle side 1/4 turn to the left LRL ILOD
 F: shuffle 1/2 turn right RLR RLOD
 the L passes under her right arm and the left arm of the M
5-6H: RF front 1/4 turn left, LF front RLOD
 F: LF rear 1/2 turn right, RF rear, LOD
The M passes under his left arm and the right arm of the L, reverse promenade
7&8H : shuffle 1/2 turn left RLR LOD
 F: shuffle back LRL
[41-48] Back Rock, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step 1/2 Turn FW, Step FW, Shuffle FW
1-2H: LF rock back, back to RF front
 F: RF rock back, back to LF front
Drop hands
3&4H: shuffle back 1/2 turn right LRL RLOD
 F: shuffle back 1/2 turn left RLR RLOD
Join hands, reverse promenade
5-6H: RF front 1/2 turn right, LF in front LOD
 F: LF front 1/2 turn left, RF in front LOD
7&8H : shuffle before RLR
 F: shuffle before LRL

[49-56] (Side, Together, Shuffle FW) x2
Letting go of your hands, the L passes in front of the M to change sides, take promenade
1-2H: LF left, RF beside
 F: RF right, LF beside
3&4H: shuffle before LRL
 F: shuffle before RLR
Letting go of the hands, the L passes in front of the M to change sides, reverse promenade
5-6H: RF right, LF beside
 F: LF left, RF beside
7&8H: shuffle before RLR
 F: shuffle before LRL

[57-64] H: (Walk x 2, Shuffle FW) x2
[57-64] F: Back 1/2Turn, Back, Shuffle Back , 1/2 FW, Step FW, Shuffle FW
the L turns under her right and left arm of the M, double hand hold
1-2H: LF walk front, RF walk front
 F: RF rear 1/2 turn left, LF step back RLOD
3&4H: shuffle forward LRL
 F: shuffle back RLR
Drop M left hand, right of L. The L turns under her left arm, and right of the M
5-6H: RF walk front, LF walk front
 F: LF forward 1/2 turn left, RF walk forward LOD
7&8H : shuffle before RLR
 F: shuffle forward LRL

Contact : claudemartincountry@gmail.com