Just A Notion, That's All

High Beginner
Annette Lapp (DK) - October 2021
Just A Notion - ABBA : (Single - iTunes)

Intro: 24 count - No Tags or Restarts

Cross Over, Hold, Step Back, Hold, Step Right Side, Touch, Point Out, In
1 - 2Cross right over left, hold (snap your fingers in front of you)
3 - 4Step left back, hold
5 - 6Step right to right, touch left beside right
7 - 8Point left to left, touch left beside right

Side, Together, Forward, Hold, Weave Left with ¼ Turn Left
1 - 2Step left to left, right beside left
3 - 4Step left forward, hold
5 - 6Cross right over left, step left to left
7 - 8Step right behind left, ¼ turn left stepping left forward

Step Forward, Swivel Forward Right and Left, Kick Right, Step Back, Touch, Step Forward, Touch
1 - 2Step right forward Swivel /Twist both heels to right
3 - 4Swivel /Twist both heel left (back to center), kick right forward
5 - 6Step right back, touch left beside right
7 - 8Step left forward, touch right beside left

Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left with ¼ Turn Left
1 - 2Step right to right, step left behind right
3 - 4Step right to right, touch left beside right
5 - 6Step left to left, step right behind left
7 - 8¼ turn left stepping left forward, touch right beside left

Contact: lappa@hotmail.com