Underneath the Mistletoe

High Improver
Anna-Maria Mejlon (SWE) - December 2021
Underneath the Mistletoe - Sia

Intro: 8 counts

Basic x2, sway sway x3, step forward x2
1 - 2 &step R to right side, rock L behind R, recover on to R
3 - 4 &step L to left side, rock R behind L, recover on to L
5 - 6sway hips to right side, sway hips to left side
7 - 8 &sway hips to right side, step fwd on L, step fwd on R

Turn ½ turn ½ rock recover back back, back sweep back sweep sailor step
(facing the diagonal), step
1 - 2step back on L turning ½ right, step fwd on R turning ½ right
3 - 4 &rock fwd on L, recover on to R, step back on L,
5 - 6step back on R, sweep L front to back, step back on L sweep R front to back
7 & 8 &step R behind L, step L to left side step R diagonally right, step fwd on L
(Here is a restart on wall 3; you do the sailor step but with a touch instead)

Step, turn ½ , turn ½ , step turn ¼ , sway x2
1 - 2 &step fwd on R, step back on L turning ½ right, step fwd on R turning ½ right
3 - 4step fwd on L, hold
5 - 6 ,step fwd on R turning ¼ facing 9 o'clock
7 - 8sway hips to right side, sway hips to left side

Basics x2, walk walk triple full turn with touch
1 - 2 &step R to right side, rock L behind R, recover on to R
3 - 4 &step L to left side, rock R behind L, recover on to L
5 - 6walk fwd on R, walk fwd on L
7 & 8 &step back with R turning ½ left, step fwd with L turning ½ left, touch R beside L and hold

... Start Again! :)

Restart: - Wall 3 after 16 counts, and you do the Restart after the sailor step but with a touch instead.