When She Cries

Ryan King (UK) - April 2022
When She Cries - Restless Heart

Intro: 16 counts, start on the vocals.

Side R, Cross Rock Recover, L Chasse, R Back Rock Recover, Rock &
1 2Step R to R side, rock L in front of R.
3 4&Recover onto R, step L to L side, step R next to L.
5 6Step L to L side, rock back R.
7 8&Recover onto L (restart here on wall 5), Rock R to R side, recover onto L making 1/8th L (10 o’clock).

Cross, L Rock Recover, Behind Side 3/8, Together, L Coaster
1 2Step R over L, Rock forward L.
3 4 &Recover onto R, step L behind R, step 3/8th R (3 o’clock).
5 6Step forward L, step R next to L.
7 & 8Step back L, step R next to L, step forward L.

R forward rock recover, Shuffle back diagonally R, Sway touches L R
1 2Rock forward R, recover onto L.
3 & 4Step back R diagonal, step L next to R, step back R diagonal.
5 6Step L to L side swaying, touch R next to L.
7 8Step R to R side swaying, touch L next to R.

4 Figure of 8, Side Together
1 2Step L to L side, step R behind L.
3 41/4 L, step forward R.
5 61/2 L, 1/4 stepping R to R side.
7 8&Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L next to R.

**Restart: On wall 5 (12 o’clock), dance up to and including count 7, touch R to next to L and start dance again.