Feel It Still (Fun & Easy)

Easy Improver
Sungran Song (CAN) - August 2022
Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man

Intro 32c, No tag or restart

(S1) Rock side, Recover, Cross, hold, Jazz Box 1/4 R turn
1, 2Rock Side L to L, Recover R,
3, 4Corss L Over R, hold
5, 6Step Fwd R , 1/4 R turn with Step back Lf,
7, 8step side R to R, Cross Lf over Rf

(S2) Step Fwd R Step side L,hold(over 2c), Hip bumps
1,2Step Fwd R, Step Side L to L
3, 4Hold
5,6,7,8Hip bumps left, back, right , left

S3) step back, kick x2, step back, together, step fwd R.L
1,2step back R, kick fwd L
3,4step back L, kick fwd R
5 6step back R, together L next to R
7,8step fwd R, L

(S4) Scissor step, hold, hinge 1/2 R turn, Walk fwd L, R
1,2Step Side R to R , together L next to R
3,4Step cross R over L, Hold
5,6Step back Lf with 1/4 R turn , Step Fwd R with 1/4 R turn
7,8Step Fwd L, R

Email: goldsusan777@gmail.com