Find Your Groove

Phrased Intermediate
Guillaume Richard (FR), Debbie Rushton (UK) & Amy Glass (USA) - October 2022
Sex, Love & Water (feat. Conrad Sewell) - Armin van Buuren

Windy City Line Dance Mania Pro Runner-Up Dance (October 2022)

Music Version available on iTunes or Spotify is 3:18. For modified version, please reach out

#16 count intro. Sequence: A B Tag A B A A A B A

A: 32c
[1-8] Walk x2 & Close, Cross, & Close, Cross, 1/4 L (9:00) 1/2 R (3:00)
1-2Walk fwd R, L
&3Step RF to R diagonal, Close LF next to R (face 10:30)
4Cross RF over LF
&5Step LF to L diagonal, Close RF next to L (face 1:30)
6Cross LF over RF (square back up to 12:00)
7Step RF back while turning 1/4 L (9:00)
8Turn 1/2 L stepping LF fwd (3:00)

[9-16] Rock Fwd R, L, Walk Back L, R, Out, Out, In, Cross (RF over LF)
1-2Rock fwd on RF, Recover weight back on LF
&3-4Close RF next to LF, Rock Fwd on LF, Recover weight on RF
5-6Walk back L, R
&7&8Step LF out, RF Out, Step LF in, Cross RF over LF

[17-24] Unwind 3/4 Turn L Weighting L, Step R to R w/1/4 L, Behind Side, Cross, Skate R/L on Diagonal, (4:30) Lock Step to Diagonal
1-2Unwind 3/4 L turn (6:00), Step RF to R while turning 1/4 L (3:00)
3&4Step LF behind R, Step RF to R, Cross LF over R
5-6Skate to 4:30 diagonal with RF, LF
7&8Step RF into diagonal, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF to diagonal (4:30)

[25-32] Step Pivot 1/2 R (10:30), Lock Step Back w/ 1/2 R, Back (square up to wall (6:00) Lock, R Coaster, Unwind 1/2
1-2Step LF fwd (4:30), Pivot 1/2 R (10:30)
3&4Continue turning 1/2 R stepping LF back, Lock RF in front of LF, Step LF back, freeing the RF as you start to square up to 6:00 wall)
5&6&7Step RF back, Lock LF in front of RF, Step RF back, Close LF next to R, Step RF fwd
8Sharp turn 1/2 L to face front, weighting L (12:00)

B: 32c
[1-8] Hip Rolls w/ Bumps x2, Ball Step Fwd, Pivot 1/2, Out Out, Heel Swivels with 1/4 R
1-2Step RF to R while rolling hips from L to R, Bump L hip up L
3-4Step LF to L while rolling hips from R to L, Bump R hip up R,
&5Step RF to center, Step LF fwd
6Pivot 1/2 R
&7Step LF to out to L, Step RF out to R
&8Swivel both heels to R, Swivel both heels to L while turning 1/4 R (weighting L) (9:00)

[9-16] Walk Fwd R, L, Chase Full Turn, Drag LF Back, Behind Side Cross w/ 1/4 L (6:00)
1-2Walk fwd R, Walk fwd L
3&4Step RF fwd, Pivot 1/2 L, Step RF back turning 1/2 L
5-6Big step back on LF, Drag RF (styling drag R heel)
7&8Turn 1/4 L Crossing RF behind LF, Step L to L side, Cross RF over LF

[17-24] Dorothy L & R, Step Pivot 1/2, Step L, R fwd, Swivel Heels R, L
1-2&Step L to L diagonal, Lock RF behind LF, Step L to diagonal (4:30)
3-4&Step R to R diagonal, Lock LF behind RF, Step R to diagonal (7:30)
5-6Step LF fwd, Pivot 1/2 R (12:00)
&7&8Step LF fwd, Place RF in front of LF, Swivel both heels to R, Back to center (finish weighted L)

[25-32] Step Back on R, Point LF fwd, Push L hip Fwd, Look back with upper body 1/2 R (pushing R hip back but stay facing 12:00), Step LF Fwd, Turn 1/2 L Stepping RF Back, L Coaster
1-2Step RF back, Touch LF fwd
3-4Push L hip forward (rocking weight forward), Push R hip back (rocking weight back) and look 1/2 R toward 6:00
5-6Step forward on LF, Turn 1/2 L Stepping back on RF (6:00)
7&8Step LF back, Close RF next to LF, Step LF forward

Tag: 16 Counts
Start while facing 6:00
[1-8] Walk x2 & Close, Cross, & Close, Cross, 1/4 L (9:00) 1/2 R (3:00)
1-2Walk fwd R, L
&3Step RF to R diagonal, Close LF next to R (face 10:30)
4Cross RF over LF
&5Step LF to L diagonal, Close RF next to L (face 1:30)
6Cross LF over RF (square back up to 12:00)
7Step RF back while turning 1/4 L (9:00)
8Turn 1/2 L stepping LF fwd (3:00)

[9-16] Press, Recover, & Step, Scuff, Back, Cross, 1/4, Step, Pivot 1/2
1-2&Press RF fwd, Recover weight back on LF, Close RF next to LF
3Step LF fwd
4Scuff R heel on diagonal (opening body toward 10:30)
5&Step back on RF, Cross LF over RF (10:30)
6&Step back on RF squaring up to 9:00, Turn 1/4 L while stepping LF fwd (6:00)
7-8Step RF fwd, Pivot 1/2 L (12:00)