The Tide's Gonna Turn

Beginner NC2
Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - January 2023
You're Not Alone - Paul Carrack

intro 16 Counts

Section 1: Step. Step. ½ Turn Right. Step. Full Turn forward. Basic Night Club x2
1-2&Step forward on right. Step forward on left. Turn ½ right.
3Step forward left.
4&Make a full turn forward over your left shoulder stepping right, left.
Restart here: On Wall 11 Facing 6 O’clock
5-6&Take a long step right on right foot. Rock back on left. Recover onto right across left.
7-8&Take a long step left on left foot. Rock back on right. Recover onto left across right.
Easy Option:            Replace Full Turn with 2 Walks forward. 

Section 2: Modified Weave. Sweep. Behind. Side. Cross Rock. Side. Cross Rock. Side.
1&Step right to right side, slightly forward. Sweep left across right.
2&Cross left over right. Step right to right.
3&Cross left behind right. Sweep right from front to back.
4&Step right behind left. Step left to left side.
5-6&Rock right across left. Recover onto left. Step right to right side.
7-8&Rock left across right. Recover onto right. Step left to left side.

Ending: As the music is ending, and you’ve danced the last counts of section 2, (facing 12 O’clock) Cross right over left and unwind slowly 1/1 to finish facing the front wall.

Last Update: 20 Jan 2023