You Can Bring Me Up 2023

Theo Seto Sundoro (INA) & Vina Veedev (INA) - March 2023
UP - Inna & Sean Paul

*Start on vocal*

*S1: Walk ( R-L)- Shuffle forward - Mambo Forward - Coaster Step*
1-2Walk (R-L)
3&4Step R Forward, Close L Beside R, Step R Forward
5&6Step L Forward, Recover on R, Step L Back
7&8Step R Back, Close L Beside R, Step R Forward

*S2: Botafogo (L-R) - Paddle Turn Right*
1a2Cross L over R, Ball R to Side, in Place on L
3a4Cross R over L, Ball L to Side, in Place On R
5&6&Turn 1/4 Right Step L to Side point, in Place On R, Turn 1/8 Right Step L Side point, In Place On R
7&8Step L Side point, in Place On R, Close L Beside R
*Restart Here on Wall 2 & Wall 6*

*S3: Modified Rumba box - Mambo forward - coaster step*
1&2Step R to Side, Close L Beside R, Step R Forward
3&4Step L to Side, Close R Beside L, Step L forward
5&6Step R Forward, Recover on L, Step R Back
7&8Step L Back, Close R Beside L, Step L forward

*S4: Botafogo (R-L) - Paddle Turn 3/4 Left*
1a2Cross R over L, Ball L to Side, in Place on R
3a4Cross L over R, Ball R to Side, in Place on L
5&6&Turn 1/4 Left Step R to Side points, in Place on L, Turn 1/4 Left Step R to Side points, in Place on L
7&8Turn 1/4 Left Step R to Side points, in Place on L, Close R Beside L

*Enjoy The Dance*