No More Good Night Songs

Absolute Beginner
Melinda Yeung (AUS) & Willie Yeung (AUS) - June 2023
No More Good Night Songs - Kirsti Carr

Intro: 16 counts

Rocking chair, heel switches RL
1234Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5678Dig R heel fwd, step R next to L, dig L heel fwd, step L next to R

K Step
1234Step fwd R diagonal, touch L to side, step back L to centre, touch R next to L
5678Step back R diagonal, touch L to side, step fwd L to centre, touch L next to R

Vine to right with touch, side together side touch
1234Step R to side, step L behind, side R to side, touch L to side
5678Step L to side, step R together, step L to side, touch R to side

Toe strut x 2, ¼ pivot,stomp RL
1234Touch R toe fwd, drop R heel, touch L toe fwd, drop L heel
5678Step R fwd ¼ turn to left, weight on L, stomp R, stomp L

Finish: Last wall starts from the front, dancing 16 counts and finishing with the K step.

These are the very common basic linedance steps for the beginner linedancer to start with.


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