2-Stepping Around

Michelle Wright (USA) - September 2023
Dancing to a Heartbreak Song - Mikele Buck Band

Dance starts 32 counts from the beat on the lyrics
Restarts on walls 2,5 & 7 after 16 counts

Section 1: R back rock, Recover, Locking Shuffle, Rock, Recover, ½,¼
1,2Rock R back, Recover on L
3&4Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R forward
5,6Rock L forward, Recover on R
7,8½ turn L stepping L forward, ¼ turn L stepping R to R side (3:00)

Section 2: Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross rock, Recover, Side, Together
1,2Cross L behind R, Sweep R from front to Back
3,4Cross R behind L, Step L to L side
5,6Cross rock R over L, Recover on L
7,8Step R to R side, Step L next to R
Restart here on walls 2,5,7

Section 3: Reverse rocking chair, Coaster step, Step, ½ pivot
1,2Rock R back, Recover on L
3,4Rock R forward, Recover on L
5&6Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward
7,8Step L forward, ½ pivot R weight on R foot

Section 4: Cross point, Cross point, Cross, Back, Back locking shuffle
1,2Cross L over R, Point R to R side
3,4Cross R over L, Point L to L side
5,6Cross L over R, Step R back
7&8Step L back, Cross R over L, Step L back

Last wall is wall 14 starts facing 3:00 you dance up to count 15 the R side step facing 6:00 then cross L over R and do a slow ½ unwind over R shoulder to face 12:00

End of dance

Any questions email Michellelinedance@gmail.com

Last Update: 11 Sep 2023