Lost In The Music

Tim Johnson (UK) - September 2023
Lost In The Music - Johnny Manuel

Count In: Dance begins after 8 counts (music fades in)
Notes: Tag happens on wall 3 and wall 9.
Dance runs 12 – 6, then 3 – 9, tag moves the dance between them.

[1-8] Walk R, Walk L, Shuffle R, Step L ½ turn right, ½ L shuffle back
1 -2Walk forward R (1) Walk forward L (2)
3&4Step R forward (3) step L behind R (&) step R forward (4)
5 – 6Step L forward (5) making a ½ turn right take weight onto R (6)
7&8Making a ½ turn step back on L (7) Step R in front of L (&) step back on L (8)
*end facing 12 o’clock

[9-16] Walk back R, L, coaster step, walk L, ¼ , ½ sailor cross.
1-2Step back on R (1) step back on L (2)
3&4Step back on R (3) step L next to R (&) step forward R (4)
5-6Step forward on L (5) making a ¼ turn left, step R to right side (6)
7&8Making a ½ over left, step L behind R (7) recover weight R (&) cross L over R (8)
*end facing 3 o’clock

[17-24] side R, L behind, R chasse, cross L, ¼ , triple ½
1-2Step R to right side (1) traveling to the right, step L behind R (2)
3&4Travelling to the right, step R to right side (3) step L next to R (&) step R to right side (4)
5-6Travelling to the right, cross L over R, prepping your body slightly to the right, ready to turn over your left (5) making a ¼ turn to the left, step back on R (6)
7&8Making a ¼ turn left, step L to left side (7) making an 1/8 turn left, step forward on R (&) making an 1/8 turn left, step forward on L (8)
*end facing 6 o’clock

[25-32] R rock, recover L, shuffle back R, ¼ L , ¼ , ½ sailor heel L.
1-2Rock R foot forward (1) recover weight back on L (2)
3&4Step back on R (3) Step L in front R (&) step back on R (4)
5-6making a ¼ turn left, step L to left side (5) making a ¼ turn left step forward on R (6)
7&8making a ½ turn left, step L behind R (7) recover weight R (&) touch L heel forward (8)
*end facing 6 o’clock
** Step L next to R on & count, ready to start the dance again walking R on count 1.

TAG (20 counts) first 12 counts are identical to the dance.
[1-8] Walk R, Walk L, Shuffle R, Step L ½ turn right, ½ L shuffle back
1 -2Walk forward R (1) Walk forward L (2)
3&4Step R forward (3) step L behind R (&) step R forward (4)
5 – 6Step L forward (5) making a ½ turn right take weight onto R (6)
7&8Making a ½ turn step back on L (7) Step R in front of L (&) step back on L (8)
*end facing 12 o’clock

[9-16] Walk back R, L, coaster step, L step touch, R step touch, L shuffle.
1-2Step back on R (1) step back on L (2)
3&4Step back on R (3) step L next to R (&) step forward R (4)
5&6&Step L to left diagonal (5) touch R next to L (&) step R to right diagonal (6) touch L next to R (&)
7&8Step L forward (7) step R behind L (&) step L forward (8)
*end facing 12 o’clock

[17 – 20] Step R, ½ L, ¼ drag step.
1-2Step R forward (1) making ½ turn left, take weight onto L (2)
3-4Making ¼ turn left, take a big step R to right side dragging L up (3) step L next to R (4)
*end facing 3 o’clock

End of dance, Smile and enjoy 😊