Sync or Swim

Elaine Collins (SCO) - December 2023
Lose Control - Teddy Swims

[1 – 8] Weave, Cross Rock, Side Step-Rock Back x 2 with ¼ turn right on 2nd one
1&2Step right foot across left foot, step left foot to left, step right foot behind left
&3Step left foot to left, rock right foot across in front of left foot
&4Replace weight on to left foot, step right foot wide to right side
5&Rock left foot behind right foot, replace weight fwd on to right foot
6,7Step left foot wide to left side, rock right foot behind left foot
&8Replace weight fwd on to left foot, make ¼ turn right stepping on right foot - ronde left foot from back to front at same time

[9 – 16] Weave, Cross Rock, Side Step-Rock Back x 2 with ½ turn left on 2nd one
1&2Step left foot across right foot, step right foot to right, step left foot behind right
&3Step right foot to right, rock left foot across in front of right foot
&4Replace weight on to right foot, step left foot wide to left side
5&Rock right foot behind left foot, replace weight fwd on to left foot
6,7Step right foot wide to right side, rock left foot behind right foot
&8Replace weight fwd on to right foot, make ½ turn left stepping on left foot – ronde right foot from back to front at same time

[17 – 24] Swivell Walks forward x3, Forward Rock, Back Walks x2, Back Walk Rondes x3
1,2,3Step right foot forward across left, step left foot forward across right, Step right foot forward across left
4&Rock left foot forward, replace weight back on to right foot
5&Step left foot back, step right foot back
6Step left foot back – ronde right foot back
7Step right foot back – ronde left foot back
8Step left foot back – ronde right foot back

[25 – 32] (Sailor Step, Step Ronde-x2), Step Hook x 3, Step – Ronde ¼ turn Left
1&aStep right foot behind left, step left foot to left, step right foot to right
2Step left foot back – ronde right foot back
3&aStep right foot behind left, step left foot to left, step right foot to right
4Step left foot back – ronde right foot back
5&Step back on right foot, hook left foot in front of right
6&Step forward on left foot, hook right foot behind left
7&Step back on right foot, hook left foot in front of right
8Step forward turning ¼ turn left on left foot foot – ronde right foot from back to front at same time

At the end of the song, dance step 16 with a ¾ turn instead of a ½ turn to end facing the front

Start Again & Enjoy!