Yes I Am Improver

Mitzi Day (USA) - January 2024
Yes I Am - Christian Paul

no tags no restart
32ct intro

Section 1 Walk fwd 2, mambo step, walk back 2, coaster step
1-2Walk fwd right and left
3&4Right foot mambo= rock right foot forward, place weight on left, step right back slightly
5-6Walk back left right
7&8Coaster step = step left foot back, step right beside left, step forward left

Section 2 Samba step, samba step, pivot 1/2, pivot 1/2
1&2Step right forward, step left to left side, recover weight on right.
3&4Step left forward, step right to right side, recover weight on left
5-6Step right forward, keeping left in same spot turn body to face 6:00
7-8Step right forward, keeping left in same spot turn body to face 12:00

Section 3 triple forward, pivot turn 1/2, triple forward, pivot turn 1/2
1&2Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward.
3-4Step left forward, pivot to back wall over right shoulder, weight now on right(6:00)
5&6Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
7-8Step right forward, turn to 12:00 over left shoulder weight is now on left

Section 4 heel switches pivot 1/2, heel switches, pivot 1/4
1&2&Place right heel forward keeping most weight on left. Put right foot back to home. Place left heel forward keeping most weight on right foot, place left foot back home putting weight on left.
3-4Step forward on right, pivot over left shoulder keeping feet in same position but putting weight on left. (6:00)
5&6&Put right heel in front keeping weight on left, place right foot back home. Place left heel forward keeping weight on right foot, place left foot back home . putting weight on left foot .
7-8Step right forward and turn 1/4 left to start new wall. (3:00)

Smile and enjoy