Out Of The Dark

High Improver
Matt Lewis (UK), Ray Jones (WLS) & Heather Barton (SCO) - February 2024
Like A Saviour - Ellie Goulding

Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx. 15 secs

SEC 1 Rock Sweep, Back Shuffle, Ball Point, Hold, & Point & Point
1-2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left sweeping right from front to back
3&4Step right back, step left beside right, step right back
&5-6Step left beside right, point right to right, hold
&7&8Step right beside left, point left to left, step left beside right, point right to right

SEC 2 ½ Sailor Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, ¼ Step, ¼ Side, ¼ Sailor
1&2Turn ¼ right step right behind left, turn ¼ right step left to left, cross right over left (6:00)
3&4Hold, step left beside right, cross right over left
5-6Turn ¼ left step left forward, turn ¼ left step right to right
7&8Turn ¼ left step left behind right, step right to right, step left forward (9:00)

SEC 3 ¼ Hitch, Side, Sit, ¼ Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Anchor Step
1&2Turn ¼ left hitch right knee, step right to right, sit into right hip (6:00)
3&4Turn ¼ left step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (3:00)
5-6Step right forward, step left forward
7&8Rock right back, recover weight onto left, step right back

SEC 4 ¾ Turn, Weave, Side Drag, Ball Cross, ¼ Step
1-2Turn ½ left step left forward, turn ¼ left step right to right (6:00)
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
5-6Step right to right dragging left towards right over 2 counts
&7-8Step left beside right, cross right over left, turn ¼ left step left forward (3:00)