Strongest Samba

Ann-Kristin Bekkeli-Sandvold (NOR) - April 2024
Strongest (Alan Walker Remix) - Ina Wroldsen

Restarts : 2 (wall 4 and 9 after 16 counts)
Intro 8 counts ( aprox 7 sec)

Section 1 (1-8): step-lock-step right, step-lock-step left, step-lock-step-lock-step-lock-step right
1&2Step diagonally right forward on RF - Lock LF behind RF - Step forward on RF(1.30)
3&4Step diagonally left forward on LF - Lock RF behind LF - Step forward on LF(10.30)
5&6&7&8Step diagonally right forward on RF - Lock LF behind RF - Step forward on RF - Lock LF behind RF - Step forward on RF - Lock LF behind RF -Step forward on RF (1,30)

Section 2 (9-16): Diamond ’shape’ to front, rock left, ball-change, rock right
1&2Cross LF over RF - Step diagonally back on RF - Step back on LF (hitch RF)
3&4Cross RF behind LF - Step LF to left (face 12 o'clock) - Cross RF over LF (12,00)
5-6Rock LF left - Recover onto RF
&7-8Step LF next to RF - Rock RF right - Recover onto LF
*Restart here in wall 4 and 9

Section 3 (17-24): Cross samba x2, ¼ diamant right
1a2Cross RF over LF - Step LF left - Recover onto RF
3a4Cross LF over RF - Step RF right - recover onto LF
5&6Cross RF over LF - Turn 1/8 right and step LF Back - RF Step Back (hitch LF)
7&8Cross LF behind RF - Turn 1/8 right when step RF right - Cross LF over RF (3 o'clock)

Section 4 (25-32): Full volta right, left mabo, right mambo
1&2&3&4Turn right and step RF forward - Lock LF behind RF - Turn right and step RF forward - Lock LF behind RF - Turn right and step RF forward - Lock LF behind RF - Step RF forward
5&6LF rock left - Recover onto RF - LF step next to RF
7&8RF rock right - Recover onto LF - RF step next to LF

We hope you'll enjoy it! And please take care and stay safe 😊
