If Ain't Got You

Beginner - Rise & Fall
Nena (INA) - 4 May 2024
If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys

Section 1 - Forward touch , forward sweep 1/4 right
1 - 3Step LF forward, touch on RF , hold
4 - 6Step RF forward, sweep 1/4 turn to right for two counts( 3.00 )

Section 2 - Twinkle, twinkle 1/4 turn to right
1 - 3cross LF over Right, step RF to side , recovery on LF
4 - 6cross RF over left, 1/4 turn to right step LF back, step RF to side( 6.00 )

Section 3 - Forward touch , forward sweep 1/4 right
1 - 3step LF forward, touch on RF, hold
4 - 6step RF forward, sweep 1/4 turn to right for two counts ( 9.00 )

Section 4 : Twinkle, Twinkle 1/4 turn to right
1 - 3cross LF over RF, step RF to side, recovery
4 - 6cross RF over left, 1/4 turn to right, step LF back, step RF to side ( 12.00 )

Section 5 - Hesitation / basic
1 - 3step LF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF in place beside RF
4 - 6step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF in place beside LF

Section 6 - LF forward 1/8, hitch, kick RF, RF back, slightly back
1 - 3step LF forward diagonal 1/8 , hitch right knee, kick forward (10.30)
4 - 6step RF back, step LF slightly back for 2 count

Section 7 - LF forward, RF sweep 1/8, weave
1 - 3step LF forward, RF sweep from back to front 1/8 to left ( 9.00 )
4 - 6step RF cross over LF, step LF to side, cross RF behind LF

1 - 31/4 turn to left step LF forward, step RF fwd, 1/2 turn to left step LF fwd ( 12.00 )
4 - 6step RF forward, 1/2 turn to right step LF back ,1/2 turn to right step RF forward.

This choreography is dedicated to the Marathon lineance d’ Uld West Java event on May 4 2024