Mama's Hungry Eyes (P)

Jo-Ann Brown-Stone
Honky Tonk Healin' - David Ball

Position: Side by side. Lady on man's right side, right hands joined at lady's right shoulder, left hands joined in front of man.
1Touch right heel forward
2Touch right toes behind
3-5Stroll forward-step right foot forward, hook left foot behind and to the outside of right foot, step right foot forward
6Scuff left foot forward
7Touch left foot forward
8Touch left toes behind
9-11Stroll forward-step left foot forward, hook right foot behind and to the outside of left foot, step left foot forward
12Scuff left foot forward
13&14Shuffle forward-right, left, right
15&16Shuffle forward-left, right, left
17Step right foot forward (drop left hands, right hands over lady's head)
18Pivot ½ to the left (lower right hands to man's waist and rejoin left hands, lady is slightly behind man)
19&20Shuffle forward-right, left, right
21&22Shuffle forward-left, right, left
23Step right foot forward (drop right hands, left hands over lady's head)
24Pivot ½ to the left (join right hands on lady's right shoulder)
25&26Shuffle forward-right, left, right
27&28Shuffle forward-left, right, left
29-31Right vine-step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right side
32Scuff left foot
33-35Left vine-step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side
36Scuff right foot

37Cross right foot in front of left foot
38Step left foot back
39Step right foot to right side
40Step left foot forward

41Cross right foot in front of left foot
42Step left foot back
43Step right foot to right side
44Step left foot in position
45Swivel both heels to right
46Return heel to position
47Swivel both heels to left
48Return heel to position