Please Come Home
Please Come Home - Scooter Lee
ROCK STEPS- ACROSS TOE-HEEL DROPS:1-4Rock right, rock left, cross right over in front of left, drop heel5-8Repeat on opposite sideROCK STEPS & PIVOTS1-2Rock back on right lifting the left toe off the ground and tilting the body forward, rock back on left3-4Step forward on right, pivot to the left ½ turn5-6Step forward on right, and pivot to the left ½ turn7-8Rock right, rock leftROCK STEPS, ACROSS TOE, HEEL DROPS1-4Rock right, rock left, cross right over in front of left, drop heel5-8Repeat on opposite sideROCK STEPS & PIVOTS1-2Rock back on right lifting the left toe off the ground and tilting the body forward, rock back on left3-4Step forward on right, pivot to the left ½ turn5-6Step forward on right, pivot to the left ½ turn7-8Step on the right foot and hold for 1 countLOCKS & HOLDS, & CLAPS1-4Step left back 45 degrees Slide right across in front of left, step back with left 45 degrees, hold, clap on hold5-8Step right back 45 degrees Slide left across in front of right, step back with right 45 degrees, hold, clap on holdFINGER SNAPS, TURNS & HOLDS, & CLAP1-4Place left forward (keeping weight on right), hold (snap fingers above head and look up on the hold count), turn left foot back to the left to 7:00 (still keeping weight on right), hold (snap fingers and look down on the hold count)5-8Swing left foot back to 12:00, transfer weight onto left foot, pivot on left ¼ turn right (count 5), transfer weight onto right (snap fingers above head, looking up) (6), step left beside right (7), hold, clap on hold (8)VINE AND SCUFF1-4Vine to the right, scuff left foot5-8Vine to the left, and touch right beside left (moving slightly forward and turn body slightly 45 degrees)HIP BUMPS AND HOLDS AT 45 DEGREES1-4Step 45 degrees to the right on right foot and bump hips twice to right, touch left beside right, hold for 1 count (clap on the hold is optional)5-8Repeat to the leftREPEAT Finish the dance after the ½ pivot to the left, ending at front. Put right heel out at 45 degrees And snap both fingers out in front.