P.S. Boogie

Deb Sipe

1-4Swivel heels to right, swivel toes to right, repeat.
5-8Swivel toes to left, swivel heels to left, repeat.
9-12Lift right knee up and in & slap with left hand, touch right next to left, repeat.
13-14Step right to right side, bend knees.
15-16Turn ¼ to right, tap left next to right.
17-20Lift left knee up and in & slap with right hand, touch left next to right, repeat.
21-22Step left to left side, bend knees.
23-24Turn ¼ to left, tap right next to left.
25-26Step right to right side, pivot ½ turn to right.
27-28Pivot ½ turn to right, stomp left beside right & clap.
29-30Step left to left side, pivot ½ turn to left.
31-32Pivot ½ turn to left, stomp right beside left & clap.
33-36Roll hips to right, left, right, left (circular motion).
37-38Lift right knee, step right back past left.
39-40Lift left knee, step left back past right.
41-42Kick right forward, cross (slightly) right over left.
43-44Bend knees & swivel to right, swivel to left (legs still crossed).
45&46Turn ¼ to right & shuffle forward right-left-right.
47&48Shuffle forward left-right-left.
49-56Repeat steps 41-48.
57-60Grapevine right, cross left in front of right.
61-62Step right to right side, pivot ½ turn to right.
63-64Pivot ½ turn to right, stomp left next to right & clap.