Kay Greig (UK) & Janice Hoy (UK)
Ain't Wastin' Good Whiskey - Trick Pony
RIGHT TOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH SIDE, RIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, LEFT TOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH SIDE, LEFT SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Touch right forward, touch right to the right side3&4Right shuffle forward (right forward, left together, right forward)5-6Touch left forward, touch left to the left side7&8Left shuffle forward (left forward, right together, left forward)GRAPEVINE RIGHT TOUCH, GRAPEVINE LEFT, TOUCH9-10Step right to right side, step left behind right11-12Step right to right side, touch left together13-14Step left to left side, step right behind left15-16Step left to left side, touch right together Alternative: you can roll a full grapevine right on 9-12 and roll a full grapevine left on 13-16FOUR JUMP BACK WITH CLAPS&17-18Jump back feet apart on right and left (&17), hold and clap(18)&19-20Jump back feet apart on right and left (&19), hold and clap(20)&21-22Jump back feet apart on right and left (&21), hold and clap(22)&23-24Jump back feet apart on right and left (&23), hold and clap(24)HIP BUMPS RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT AND TWO PADDLE STEPS OVER A ¼ LEFT TURN25-26Hip bump right, hip bump left27-28Hip bump right, hip bump left29Point right toe forward30Pivot 1/8 turn left and shift weight onto left31Point right toe forward32Pivot 1/8 turn left and shift weight onto leftREPEAT