Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
LEFT KICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH FORWARD, HEELS SWIVELS (REPEAT ON RIGHT)1&2Kick left foot forward, step left in place, touch right together next to left3&4Touch right foot forward, swivel heels to right, swivel heels in place5&6Kick right foot forward, step right in place, touch left together next to right7&8Touch left foot forward, swivel heels to left, swivel heels in placeTOUCH LEFT FORWARD, SIDE, COASTER STEP, RIGHT SCUFF FORWARD, STEP BACK, BUMP HIPS9-10Touch left foot forward, touch left to left side11&12Step back left, step right together, step forward on left13-14Scuff right foot forward, step back on right15&16Bump hips back, forward, backSTEP BACK, ¼ TURN, STEP FORWARD, ¼ TURN, STEP BACK, ¼ TURN, STEP FORWARD, STEP TOGETHER17-18Step back on left, pivot ¼ turn to left18-20Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn to left21-22Step back on left, pivot ¼ to left (completes ¾ turn to left in total)23-24Step forward on right, step left together with rightRIGHT KICK BALL TOUCH, LEFT KICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH BEHIND, ½ PIVOT TURN, SCUFF, STEP, STEP25&26Kick right foot forward, step right in place, touch left to left side27&28Kick left foot forward, step left in place, touch right to right side29-30Touch right toe to back, pivot ½ turn to right (put weight onto right)31&32Scuff left foot forward, step on left, step right next to leftSTEP BACK,HOLD, STEP TOGETHER, STEP BACK, CLAP TWICE, (REPEAT ON OTHER LEG) BACKWARDS BODY ROLLS OPTIONAL33-34Step back on left, hold&35&36Slide right back to side of left as you step back on left, clap twice37-38Step back on right, hold&39&40Slide left back to side of right as you step back on right, clap twiceSYNCOPATED LOCK STEPS WITH ¼ TURN (WITH OPTIONAL TO THE RIGHT HIP ROLL)41-42Step forward on left, lock right foot behind left&43-44Step left to left side, step forward on right, lock left foot behind right&45-46Step right to right side, step forward on left, lock right behind left&47-48Step left making ¼ turn to left, step right beside left, touch left beside rightREPEAT