Reminiscing - Little River Band
WALKS FORWARD TWICE, SKATES TWICE, ROCK, COASTER STEP1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left(bouncy walks for style)3-4Skate right, skate left5-6Rock forward on right, replace weight on left7-8Right coaster stepROCK, SHUFFLE HALF, ROCK, HITCH, STEP BACK9-10Rock forward on left, replace weight on right11-12Shuffle ½ turn to left stepping left, right, left13-14Rock forward on right, replace weight on left15-16Hitch right (clicking fingers of both hands at shoulders), step backTOUCH, STEP, LOCK STEP, SWEEP, CROSS, SWAY LEFT AND RIGHT17Touch left toe across in front of right foot click fingers at right shoulder18-20Step forward on left, lock right, step forward left21-22Sweep right to right and across body, step on right in front of left23-24Step to left on left rocking hips to left, rock on right in placeCHASSE LEFT, RIGHT SAILOR STEP, LEFT SAILOR STEP, ¼ PIVOT25&26Step to left on left, close right to left, step left to left side27&28Right sailor step29&30Left sailor step31&32Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left weight ending on leftREPEAT