Storm In A Tea Cup
Storm In a Teacup - The Fortunes
SIDE TOGETHER, CHASSIS, SYNCOPATED HEELS, CLAP1-2Right to right side, left to right3&4Right to right side, left to right, right to right side5-6Left to left side, right to left7&8Left to left side, right to left, left to left side9-12Right heel out, together, left heel out, together13-14Right heel out clapGRAPEVINE RIGHT SCUFF LEFT ¼ TURN, RIGHT15-18Right to right side, left behind right, right to right, scuff left19-22Left to left side, right behind left, ¼ turn left scuff right next to left23-26Right to right side, left behind right, right to right left togetherWEAVE LEFT, 2X KICK BALL CHANGE, SYNCOPATED HEEL SWITCH27-30Right across left, left to left side, right behind left, left to left side (weave)31&32Kick right foot forward, step right in place, step left in place (twice)33&34Right heel forward, together, left heel forward, together, clap (twice)35&36Repeat steps 29-34REPEAT