Oceans Of Fantasy

Amos Ghui
Oceans of Fantasy - Boney M.

Tags/Restarts: 1 Tag, 1 Restart 
Note: There is an Intro. Start dancing the intro on vocals and then proceed to dance the actual dance. 
Forward Shuffle right, rock, recover, back shuffle left, rock, recover 
1&2 Shuffle forward right, right-left-right 
3-4 Rock forward on left, recover on right 
5&6 Shuffle back left, left-right-left 
7-8 Rock back on right, recover on left 
Pivot ½ turn, ½ turn back shuffle, rock, recover, kick-ball-change 
1-2 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left (weight on left) 
3&4 Back shuffle right, right-left-right, while turning a ½ turn left 
5-6 Rock back on right, recover on left 
7&8 Kick right foot forward, step right foot beside left, step left foot beside right (kick-ball-change) 
Rock forward left, recover, back shuffle, back, hook, shuffle forward 
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover on right 
3&4 Back shuffle left, left-right-left 
5-6 Rock back on right, hook left leg in front of right 
7&8 Forward shuffle left, left-right-left 
Side rock shuffle, side rock shuffle 
1-2 Rock right to side, recover on left 
3&4 Shuffle in place, right-left-right 
5-6 Rock left to side, recover on right 
7&8 Shuffle in place, left-right-left 
Heel bounce on right 4X 
1-4 Bounce right heel 4 times 
Optional hand actions: As you bounce your right foot, push your right hand out in the direction your foot is pointing with each bounce. 
The Actual Dance 
Jump out, jump in, cross, recover side cross side 
&1-2 Side step right to side (&), side step left to side (1)(with a little jump/hop), hold for one count (2) 
&3-4 Step right slightly apart from left (&), step left beside right (3), hold for one count (4) 
5-6 Cross right over left, recover on left 
&7-8 Step right to side (&), cross left over right (7), step right to side (8) 
Cross, recover, ¼ shuffle left, kick-ball-change, pivot ½ turn 
1-2 Cross left over right, recover on right 
3&4 Shuffle left turning ¼ turn left, left-right-left 
5&6 Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left slightly forward (kick-ball change) 
7-8 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left  
Shuffle forward right, kick-ball-change, rock, recover, coaster step 
1&2 Shuffle forward on right, right-left-right 
3&4 Kick left forward, step left beside left, step right slightly forward (kick-ball-change) 
5-6 Rock left forward, recover on right 
7&8 Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left forward (coaster step) 
Step ¼ turn, step left, cross shuffle, step ½ turn right, step right, cross shuffle 
1-2 Step right to side turning ¼ turn left, step left to side 
3&4 Cross shuffle right, right-left-right 
5-6 Step to side turning ½ turn right, step right to side 
7&8 Cross shuffle left, left-right-left 
Have fun dancing!!! 
At the beginning of the 4th wall, dance these steps then start from the beginning of the dance again. 
1-4 Sway left, right, left then right 
5-8 Sway left, right, left then right 
At the 5th wall, dance until the 3rd eight, count 1-2, then do a kick-ball-touch, then start the whole dance again. 
Description of kick-ball-touch. 
1&2 Kick left forward, step left beside right, touch right beside left