Gone Country

Lisa Collingwood (AUS)
Gone Country - Alan Jackson

1-4Right heel forward, right toe back, right heel forward, right toe back
5-6Step right forward, scuff left
7-10Left heel forward, left toe back, left heel forward, left toe back
11-12Step left forward, scuff right
13-14Right toe forward, drop right heel
15-16Left toe forward, drop left heel
17-18Step back (right, left)
19-20Step right ¼ turn right, drag left together (keep upper body facing front)
21-22Repeat the last 2 beats
23-24Twist heels (right, center)
25-26Step left ¼ turn left, drag right together (keep upper body facing front)
27-28Repeat the last 2 beats
29-30Twist heels (left, center)
31-34Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, left together
35-36Step right to right side, left behind
37-38Step right side, turn ½ turn right & slap left knee with right hand
39-42Shuffle forward left (left-right-left) shuffle forward right (right-left-right)
43-46Left 45, raise left in front slap with right hand, left 45, raise left behind slap with right hand
47-52Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left forward, kick right forward, step back on right turn ¼ turn right, left together