Gettin' Down

Ian St. Leon (AUS)
Down On the Farm - Tim McGraw

1-2Right toe next to left foot, right heel next to left foot
3-4Cha-cha step (right-left-right)
5-6Left toe next to right foot, left heel next to right foot
7-8Cha-cha step (left-right-left)
9-10Step off on right, cross left behind
11-12Ball change (right, left) then stomp right
13-14Step off on left, cross right behind
15-16Ball change (left, right) then stomp left
17-20Step left forward pivot a ½ turn right step left toe forward and then drop heel
21-24Step right forward pivot a ½ turn left step right toe forward and then drop heel
25-28Step forward on left kick right, step back on right then left toe behind
29-322 left outbacks
33-36Vine left (left-right-left) turn ¼ turn left on 3rd beat stomp right
37-40Vine backwards (right-left-right) stomp left
41-442 right kick ball changes
45-50Step right forward pivot a ½ turn left step right forward then step left forward, pivot ½ turn right place left together
51-52Left toe to side then behind
53-56Vine left (left-right-left) turn ¼ turn left on 3rd beat to left stomp right
57-60Vine backwards (right-left-right) stomp left