Frisco Turnaround

Ruth Elias (UK)

1-4Left heel touch forward, left heel back in place, right toe touch back, scuff right foot forward
5-8Step down on right foot (forward), left foot slide up behind right, right foot step forward, scuff left foot forward
9-12Step forward on left foot, slide right foot up behind left, step forward on left foot, scuff right foot forward
13-16Step to right side on right foot, cross left foot behind right, step to right on right foot then ball-change on left
Bring left foot down and quickly change your weight over to right foot
17Kick left foot forward
18-21Step to left side on left foot, cross right foot behind left, step to left on left foot then ball-change on right foot
Bring right foot down and quickly change your weight over to left foot
22Kick right foot forward
23-24Step back on right foot, touch back with left foot
25-28Step forward on left foot, pivot a ½ turn right, step forward on left foot, pivot a ½ turn right
29-32Step forward on left foot, hitch right knee, step back on right foot, step back on left foot
33-35Turn 1 ½ turns backwards to right on right, left, right
36-37Left forward shuffle
38-39Step forward on right foot, pivot a ½ turn left
40-43Right forward shuffle, left forward shuffle
44-45Step forward on right foot, stop left foot beside right