Dig It
Dig It - Disco Circus
FORWARD CLOSE POINT, VINE RIGHT-FORWARD STEP ½ TURN LEFT, FORWARD BASIC1-3Step left forward, step right next to left, point left toe out to left side4&5Step left across/behind right, step right to right side, step left forward in front of right6-7Step right forward and turn ½ left, step left in place8&1Step right forward, step left behind right on, step right forwardTOUCH LEFT TOE, ½ MONTEREY LEFT, RIGHT SIDE BREAK, BACK ROCK, ACROSS VINE BEHIND2-3Touch left toe out to left side, Monterey turn ½ left closing left to right4&5Side rock right to right side, recover weight to left, step right next to left6-7Rock left back, recover weight to right8&1Step left forward and across right, step right to right side, step left behind rightBACK ROCK, FORWARD STEP ¼ TURN RIGHT, BEND LEFT KNEE, RIGHT KNEE, LEFT KNEE, RIGHT KNEE, LEFT KNEE2-3Rock right back, recover weight to left4&5Step right forward and turn ¼ right, step left to left side, step right next to left6-7Bend left knee forward across right knee lifting left heel, bend right knee forward across left knee lifting right heel8&1Bend left knee forward across right knee lifting left heel, bend right knee forward across left knee lifting right heel, bend left knee forward across right knee lifting left heelSTEP POINT, SYNCOPATED FORWARD ROCK AND RECOVER, FORWARD STEP ½ TURN RIGHT, FORWARD BEHIND2-3Step left forward, point right toe out to right side4&5Rock right forward, recover weight to left, step right next to left6-7Step left forward and turn ½ right, step right in place8&Step left forward, step right behind leftREPEAT Due to the length of the song, fade at 4:00 minARM STYLING In the first paragraph on counts 6-7 raise arms up and click (snap) your fingers on 6 while turning ½ left. Lower arms on count 7 while stepping left in place. Click fingers. Then in the second paragraph on counts 8&1 move your right hand extended out to your left side reached out across chest, with palm facing up from your left side out to your-right side. In the third paragraph, moving forward side together with your feet on counts 4&5, add a clap with arms extended out in front on count 5. While changing weight open hands, right hand out to right side and left hand out to left side on count 6, then clap hands up above your head on count 7. Open hands and move them apart slowly downward on each ones own side to hip level while changing weight on counts 8&1. Remember lower hands only at hip level.