Dancin' Feet
Gloria Johnson (USA)
Dance and Shout - Wynonna
KICK & COASTER STEP1Kick right foot forward2Step back on right3Step back on left&Step right next to left4Step left slightly forwardGRAPEVINE RIGHT5-7Vine right (step right to right; step left behind; step right to right)8Cross-step left across rightTOUCH, STEP, HITCH, STEP9-10Touch right toe in front; step right to right side11-12Hitch left leg; step left to left sideKICK & COASTER STEP13Kick right foot forward14Step back on right15Step back on left&Step right next to left16Touch left slightly forwardTOUCH, TOUCH, KICK, STEP17-18Touch left toe in front; touch left toe to side19Kick left foot behind right leg20Touch left foot down to left side and clap handsTOE TOUCHES & TURN21Touch left toe to 1:00 o'clock22Touch left toe to 11:00 o'clock23Touch left toe to 1:00 o'clock24Spin ½ turn to the right (like monterey spin)SWIVEL POINTS25Step right foot in place facing LOD and bend knees26Turning ¼ turn to left straighten knees and touch left heel forward27Step left foot in place facing LOD and bend knees28Turning ½ turn to right straighten knees and touch right heel forward29Step right foot in place facing LOD and bend knees30Turning ½ turn to left straighten knees and touch left heel forward31Step left foot in place facing LOD and bend knees32Turning ½ turn to right straighten knees and touch right heel forwardCRISS-CROSS STRUT33Cross right over left touching toe only34Step down on right heel35Step left to left touching toe only36Step down on left heel 37-40Repeat steps 33-37JAZZ BOX41Cross-step right over left42Step behind on left43Step right out to right side44Step left next to rightREPEAT