RIGHT FANS, LEFT FANS1Fan right toes to right, keeping toes in the air, pivot on heel2Return right toes forward and down on floor3Fan right toes to right, keeping toes in the air, pivot on heel4Return right toes forward and down on floor5Fan left toes to left, keeping toes in air, pivot on heel6Return left toes forward and down on floor7Fan left toes to left, keeping toes in air, pivot on heel8Return left toes forward and down on floorHEEL DROPS, HEEL SPREAD, TOE SPREAD, HEEL SPREAD9-10Lift both heels and drop them twice11Spread heels apart12Bring heels together13Spread toes apart14Bring toes together15Spread heels apart16Bring heels togetherTWISTING STRUTS, HEEL, TOE17Step forward on right18Twist 45 degrees to right on ball of right foot, bringing left leg next to right leg19Step straight forward left20Twist 45 degrees to left on ball of left foot, bringing right leg next to left leg21Step forward on right22Twist 45 degrees to right on ball of right foot, bringing left leg next to right leg23Still facing 45 degrees right, touch left heel forward24Touch left toe backLEFT DOUBLE VINE, STEP, SCUFF WITH ¼ TURN, STEP, SCUFF WITH ¼ TURN25Straightening body to front, step left to left side26Cross right behind left27Step left to left side28Cross right behind left29Step left to left side30Scuff right foot forward, pivoting ¼ turn to right on ball of left31Step ¼ turn right on right32Scuff left heel forwardSHUFFLE, TURNING SHUFFLE, BACK, BACK, STOMP, STOMP33&34Shuffle forward left, right, left35&36Pivoting ½ turn on ball of left, shuffle back right, left, right37Walk back left38Walk back right39Stomp left forward40Stomp right next to leftKICK, CROSS, SCOOT, STEP, KICK, CROSS, SCOOT, SCOOT41Kick left forward42Cross left over right leg in half hitch43Scoot forward on right while kicking left forward44Step down on left45Kick right forward46Cross right over left leg in half hitch47Scoot forward on left while kicking right forward48Step down on right¼ PIVOT, ¼ PIVOT, ¼ PIVOT, STEP FORWARD, SLIDE49Put right toe forward50Pivot ¼ turn to left on ball of left foot51Put right toe forward52Pivot ¼ turn to left on ball of left foot53Put right toe forward54Pivot ¼ turn to left on ball of left foot55Step forward on right56Slide left next to rightSTEP STOMPS57Step forward on right foot 45 degrees right58Stomp left next to right59Step back to place on left60Stomp right next to left61Step right to right side62Stomp left next to right63Step left to left64Stomp right next to leftREPEAT