Bang Bang
She Bangs - Ricky Martin
CHASSE RIGHT, ROCK BEHIND, POINT FLICK, POINT ¼ TURN FLICK1&2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right3&4Rock diagonally back on left behind the right, recover weight on right5-6Point left out to left side and flick left foot up behind right leg, raise hands and snap fingers7-8Pivoting ¼ turn right, point left out to left side and flick left foot up behind the right leg, raise both hands above head and snap fingersCHASSE LEFT, ROCK BEHIND, POINT FLICK, POINT ¼ TURN FLICK9-16Repeat steps 1-8 reversing all the directions! After this section you should be back facing the home wallRIGHT FORWARD, SIDE, RIGHT SHUFFLE, ROCK FORWARD AND BACK, DANGEROUS FULL TURN!1-2Touch right toe in front of left, touch right toe out to right side3&4Step forward right, step left behind right, step forward right5-6Rock forward on left, recover weight on right7&8Turning left - full turn left, right, leftRIGHT, BEHIND, RIGHT HEEL BALL CROSS, ROCK, ¾ TWO STEP TURN1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right3&4Touch right heel out diagonally in front, step right beside left, cross step left over right5-6Rock forward on right, recover weight on left7-8Turning right - turn ¾ walk right, leftREPEATTAG After the 12th wall there is a small bridge after counts 1-16 of that wall. After the bridge we return to the start of the dance&1-2Step right to right and left to left, clap&3-4Bring feet together and clap