Barefoot Kid

Yvonne Hammond (AUS)
Barefoot Kid - Pigram Brothers

1-2-Touch right heel forward 45 degrees right, step right beside left
3-4Touch left heel forward 45 degrees left, step left beside right
5-8Touch right heel forward, side, behind, & clap
1-4Step right to right, step left behind, turn ¼ turn right & step right forward, tap left beside right
5-8Walk back left-right-left, tap right beside left
1-4Step right out to right, step left in place, step right across left, hold
5-8Step left out to left, turn ¼ turn right onto right step forward left, step forward right
1-2Step forward on left heel & life up right heel in place, drop right heel in place
3-4Step back on left toe & lift right heel in place, drop right heel in place
5-8Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right onto right, step forward left, tap right beside left
1-2Step forward on right heel & lift up left heel in place, drop left heel in place
3-4Step back on right toe & lift up left heel in place, drop left heel in place
5-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left onto left, step forward right, tap left beside right
1-8Paddle around full turn right by stepping out on left 4 times & swiveling in place on right foot 4 times (with both arms out each side)
1-4Step left to left shaking shoulders, step right to right shaking shoulders
5-8Turn ¼ turn left & step left to left shaking shoulders, step right to right shaking shoulders
1-4Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right onto right, step forward left, hold
5-8Step forward on right, step back on left, turn ½ turn right & step forward on right, step left beside right


After 5th wall

1-4Step forward right, clap, step forward left, clap

5-8Step back right-left-right-left