We Tried

Gail Allen - January 2008
We Tried - Trisha Yearwood : (CD: heaven, heartache and the power of love)

Dance begins 16 counts in with Vocals

Right Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross, Left Diagonal Toe Struts, Side Rock Cross
1&2& Right toe, Heel, Left Toe, Heel diagonally to the right
3&4 Step side right, recover left, cross right over left
5&6& Left toe, heel, Right toe heel, diagonally to the left
7&8 Step side left, recover right, cross left over right

Right Toe Touch front & Back, Back Left step lock step, Right Coaster Step , ¾ Turn Right with a hitch
1&2 Touch right toe to front, touch right toe back and take weight on right
3&4 Step back left, step back with right in front of left, step back left
5&6 Step back right, step back left, step forward right
7&8& Step forward left , ¼ turn right and pivot half turn right, with weight on left, hitch Right foot across left leg (Facing 9:00 wall)

Right Step Lock Step, brush, Left step lock step brush, Scissor Cross 2x Travelling Backwards
1&2& Step forward right and lock left behind and step forward right and brush left
3&4& Step forward left and lock right behind and step forward left and brush right
5&6 Rock side right and recover left, cross right over left
7&8 Rock side left and recover right, cross left over right

Right Shuffle, ¼ turn left shuffle, Right Mambo, Full turn left
1&2 Shuffle to the side-right left right
3&4 Turning ¼ to the left, shuffle left right left (Facing 6:00 Wall)
5&6 Step Forward right and recover left, step back right
7&8 Step forward left pivot ½ left and step forward right, pivot 1/2 left
(alternate move instead of turn is a left coaster)

Ready to start the dance again!!

*Tag: After the 7th wall, do the shuffle to the right, shuffle ¼ turn left, shuffle to the right shuffle ¼ turn left. Brings you back to the front wall and music becomes instrumental-You can dance it out when music starts by shuffling around to each wall or fade or fade.