Di Da Di

Phrased Intermediate
Kenny Teh (MY) - August 2009
Di Da Di (Remix) - CoCo Lee

Sequence: A, A, A, Tag, B, B, A, A, B, B, A, Tag, B, B, B
Start dance on vocals. ( 64 counts after hard beat begins )

Section A
1 2 3 4 Step R diagonally fwd R, lock L, step R diagonally fwd R, scuff L
5 6 7 8 Step L diagonally fwd L, lock R, step L diagonally fwd L, scuff R

1 2 3 4 Step R fwd, ½ Turn L step L fwd, ½ turn L back R, step back L
5&6 7&8 Shuffle diagonally back R then L

1 2 3 4 Step R toe fwd, step down on R heel, step L toe fwd, step down on L heel
5 6 7 8 Step R toe fwd, step down on R heel, step L toe fwd, step down on L heel

1 2 3 4 Step R out, step L out, step R back centre, step L back centre
&5 6 Jump/step R out, jump/step L out, clap
&7 8 Jump/step R back centre, jump/step L back centre, clap

Tag at 3rd and 10th Wall
1 2 3&4 Step R fwd, ½ turn L hitch L, Shuffle fwd LRL
5 6 Step R fwd, ½ turn L step L to side
&7 Lift up R hip, bump L hip L
&8 Lift up R hip, bump L hip L

Section B
1 Step R to R
2&3 L chasse LRL
4&5 Cross R over L, step L slightly back, touch R heel diagonally R
&6&7 Step R slightly back, cross L over R, step R slightly back, touch L heel diagonally L
&8&1 Step L slightly back, cross R over L, step L slightly back, touch R heel diagonally R

2&3 R chasse RLR
4&5 Cross L over R, step R slightly back, touch L heel diagonally L
&6&7 Step L slightly back, cross R over L, step L slightly back, touch R heel diagonally R
&8&1 Step R slightly back, cross L over R, step R slightly back, touch L heel diagonally L

2&3 L chasse LRL
4&5 Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
&6&7 Lock L behind R, step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
&8&1 Lock L behind R, step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd
( Counts 4 to 1 make a complete R turn like children playing “HORSE” )

2&3 4&5 L chasse LRL, ½ turn R shuffle fwd RLR
6&7 8&1 L chasse LRL, ½ turn R shuffle fwd RLR


Website: http://www.kennyteho.spaces.live.com