I Look To You

Helen Conroy (IRE) - September 2009
I Look to You - Whitney Houston

Right Side Step, Left Back Rock, ¼ Turn Right, Left Side Step, Right Back Rock,
1-2- Step right to side, Hold
3-4- Rock back on left, replace weight onto right
5-6- ¼ Turn right Stepping left to side, Hold
7-8- Rock back on right, replace weight onto left
9-16- Repeat steps 1-8 of section 1

Walks Forward, Rock Forward, ½ Turn Step
1-4- Step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold
5-6- Rock forward on right, replace weight back on left,
7-8- ½ Turn right stepping forward on right, hold
9-12- Step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold
13-14- Rock forward on left, replace weight back on right
15-16- ½ Turn left stepping forward on left, hold

Right ¼ Turns, Left ½ Turns with Holds X 2
1-2- ¼ Turn right stepping forward on right, hold
3-4- ½ Turn left stepping forward on left, hold
5-8- Repeat steps 1-4 of section 3

Right & Left Weave with Sweeps
1-4- Step right in front of left, step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side,
5-8- Step right over left, step left to side, step right behind left, sweep left behind right
(Tag & Restart here on wall 4)
9-12- Step on left behind right, step right to side, step left over right, step right to side,
13-16- Step left behind right, step right to side, step left over right, sweep right to front

Right Cross Step with Hold, Left Side Point with hold, Left Cross Step with Hold, Right ½ Pivot Turn
1-2- Step right over left, Hold
3-4- Point left out to side, Hold
5-6- Step left over right, Hold
7-8- Step right forward, ½ pivot turn left (put weight onto left)

TAG (At the end of wall 2)
Forward & Back Cross Points
1-2- Cross right over left & Hold
3-4- Point left out to side & Hold
5-6- Cross left over right & Hold
7-8- Point right out to side & Hold
9-10- Cross right behind left & Hold
11-12- Point left out to side & Hold
13-14- Cross left behind right & Hold
15-16- Point right out to side & Hold

TAG & RESTART (On wall 4)
1-2- Step left behind right & Hold, Restart dance