Go Cat Go

Gaye Teather (UK) - April 2010
Please Mama Please - Go Cat Go

Intro: 16 counts from main beat

Heel Struts Forward X4
1-2 Step right heel forward, drop right toe
3-4 Step left heel forward, drop left to
5-6 Step right heel forward, drop right toe
7-8 Step left heel forward, drop left toe

Toe Struts Back X4 With Arm Swings/Finger Clicks
1-2 Step right toe back, drop right heel (click fingers to right and look right)
3-4 Step left toe back, drop left heel (click fingers to left and look left)
5-6 Step right toe back, drop right heel (click fingers to right and look right)
7-8 Step left toe back, drop left heel (click fingers to left and look left)
Lean slightly forward while travelling back and swing arms right and left during above

Touch Out, Hold, Touch In, Hold, Touch Out, In, Out, Hold
1-2 Touch right to side, hold
3-4 Touch right together, hold
5-6 Touch right to side, touch right together
7-8 Touch right to side, hold

Slow Jazz Box Turn ¼ Right (With Finger Clicks)
1-2 Cross right over left, click fingers
3-4 Step left back, click fingers
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right to side, click fingers (3:00)
7-8 Step left forward, click fingers
