Fallin' To Pieces Again

Jan Wyllie (AUS) - September 2010
I Fall To Pieces - Ann Tayler & Arne Benoni : (Norway)

16 count intro

Vine Right Touch Beside, Vine Left Touch Beside
1,2,3,4Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Touch L beside R
5,6,7,8Step L to left, Step R behind L, Step L to left, Touch R beside L

Heel Strut Fwd R,L,R,L
9,10,11,12Step R heel fwd, Drop R heel to floor, Step L heel fwd, Drop L foot to floor
13,14,15,16Step R heel fwd, Drop R heel to floor, Step L heel fwd, Drop L foot to floor

Rock Fwd Back, Shuffle Back, Rock Back Fwd, Rock Fwd Back
17,18Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
19&20Shuffle back R,L,R
21,22Rock/step back on L, Rock fwd on R
23,24Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R

Shuffle Back, Rock Back Fwd, Step Pivot 1/4, Stomp Hold
25&26Shuffle back L,R,L
27,28Rock/step back on R, Rock fwd on L
29,30Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
31,32Stomp R beside L, Hold

*There is a restart on wall 5 after count 16

I wrote this beginner level dance for Ilse from Holland.
She sent me the song and requested the dance.
It’s a lovely rendition of I Fall To Pieces and I hope you enjoy it.

When you first learn to linedance, you often feel as if you are ’fallin’ to pieces’…
and even after 18 years I still feel like that sometimes! (-:
See you on the floor sometime…. Jan

Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/