Bailando Solo

Anne Frydenlund (DK) - October 2010
Bailando Solo en el Salón - David Civera : (Album: Para Vivir Contigo)

The Dance starts after 16 counts.

S1.Toestrot R, Toestrot L, R step lock step, Rock L fwd, Recover R
1 – 2Step right forward with weight on the front of the foot, Slap right heel down
3 – 4Step left forward with weight on the front of the foot, Slap left heel down
5 & 6Step right forward, Lock left behind right, Step right forward
7 - 8Rock left forward, Recover on right

S2.1/4 turn L chasse, Cross rock R, Recover L, Monteray ½ turn
1 & 2Step left ¼ turn left, step right beside left, step left to left
3 – 4Cross right over left, Recover on left
5 –6Point right to right side, Make ½ turn right stepping right beside left (03:00)
7 – 8Point left to left side, Step left beside right

S3. Side rock R, Recover L, Behind, side, cross, Side rock L, Rock ¼ turn L, Coasterstep
1 - 2Step right to right side, Recover on left,
3 & 4Cross right behind left, Step left to left, Cross right over left
5 – 6Step left to left side, Turn ¼ left stepping on right,
7 & 8Step back on left, Step right beside left, step forward on left

S4. Pivot turn L, Full turn L, Step R, Kick L, Step L, Hook R
1 – 2Step right forward, turn ½ L (weight to left)(06:00)
3 – 4Turn right back stepping ½ turn left, Turn left forward stepping ½ turn left (06:00)
5 – 6Step R forward, Kick Left forward
7 – 8Step left back, Hook right in front of left
Restart here in wall 2 facing 9 o.clock and wall 7 facing 3 o’clock

S5. R Lock step, R step lock step, ¼ turn R, Cross shuffle
1 – 2Step right forward, Lock left behind right
3 & 4Step right forward, Lock left behind right, Step right forward
5 – 6Step left forward, Turn ¼ turn Right (weight on right) (09:00)
7 & 8Cross left over right, Step right to right, Cross left over right

S6. Side rock R, Recover L, ½ turn R Sailorstep, Jazzbox, Scuff R
1 – 2Step right to right, Recover on left
3 – 4Sweep/cross right behind left making ½ turn right,Step left beside right,Step fwd on right
5 – 8Step left over right, Step right back, Step left to left side, Scuff right in front of left (03:00)

S7. Cross R, Point L, Cross shuffle, ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left, Cross R, Recover L
1 – 2Cross right over left, Point left out
3 – 4Cross left over right, Step right to right, Cross left over right
5 – 6¼ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side
7 – 8Cross right over left, Recover left (09:00)

S8. Shuffle ½ turn R, Toestrot L, Rockingchair R
1 & 2½ turn Right shuffle with right, left, right (03:00)
3 – 4Step left forward with weight on the front of the foot, Slap left heel down
5 – 8Step right forward, Recover on left, Step right back, Recover on left

Restarts: After 32 count of the 2. and the 7. wall, the dance restarts from the top.