End of My Rainbow

Peter Thijssen (NL) - April 2011
Rock At The End Of My Rainbow - Heather Myles

Intro 16 count, start dance at the word “Rock” - Heather sings “I Found the Rock….”

Section 1: (1 – 8) Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Side Rock, Recover with ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left, Cross Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut, Cross Rock, Recover, Step ¼ Turn Left
1 &Step on right toe to right side, drop right heel to the floor
2 &Cross left toe over right, drop left heel to the floor
3 &Rock right to right side, recover onto left with ¼ turn left [09:00]
4¼ turn left on right [06:00]
5 &Cross left toe over right, drop left heel on the floor
6 &Step on right toe to right side, drop right heel to the floor
7 &Cross rock left over right, recover onto right
8¼ turn left on right and step forward [03:00]

Section 2: (9 – 16) Reverse Rumba Box with ¼ Turn Left, Lock Step Forward, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Right, Step Forward
1 & 2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step back on right
3 & 4¼ turn left on left, step right next to left, step left forward [12:00]
5 & 6Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
7 & 8Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left [06:00]

Section 3: (17 – 24) Toe-Heel-Stomp Forward, Toe-Heel-Stomp Forward, Mambo step, Shuffle ½ turn left
1 & 2Touch right toe next to left (heel out to right side), touch right heel next To left (toes out to right side), step forward on right
3 & 4Touch left toe next to right (heel out to left side), touch left heel next to Right (toes out to left side), step forward on left
5 & 6Rock forward on right, recover onto left, step right next to left
7 & 8¼ turn left on left, step right next to left, ¼ turn left on left [12:00]

Section 4: (25 – 32) Rock Forward, Recover, Side Rock, Recover,¼ Turn Right Sailor Step, Rock Forward, Recover, Side Rock, Recover,¼ Turn Right Sailor Cross
1 &Rock forward on right, recover onto left
2 &Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3 & 4Cross right behind left, ¼ turn right on left, step right to right side [03:00]
5 &Rock forward on left, recover onto right
6 &Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7 & 8Cross left behind right, ¼ turn right on right, cross left over right [06:00]

RESTART: in Wall 4 (06:00) after count 16 (Section 2, count 16) facing 12:00
Start dancing count 1 of Section 1