Here For a Good Time

Moses Bourassa Jr. (USA) & Barbara Frechette (USA) - November 2012
Here for a Good Time - George Strait

Start of Dance

Standard Monterey Turns
1-2…. Point right to side,½ CW turn on left (weight on R)
3-4…. Point left to side ,Step left next to right
5-6…. Point right to side,½ CW Pivot turn on left (weight on R)
7-8…. Point left to side,Step left next to right

Side Shuffles, Cross Rocks, Recover
1&2… Shuffle to right side … right, left, right
3-4… cross left behind right, recover on right
5&6… shuffle to left side … left, right, left
7-8… cross right behind left, recover on left

Forward Step, ½ CCW Turn, Forward Shuffle, Forward Step, CW Turn, Cross Side Shuffle
1-2… step forward on right, step left making ½ CCW Turn
3&4… Forward shuffle … right, left ,right
5-6… step forward on left, step right making ¼ Cw Turn
7&8… Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

Side Rock, Recover, Side-Behind-Cross, ¼ CW Back Turn, ½ CW Turn, Hip Bumps
1-2…. rock right to side,recover on left
3&… step right behind left,step left to side
4… cross right in front of left
5… step back on left making ¼CW Turn
6… step forward on right making ½ CW Turn
7-8… Step forward on left(weighted) bump hips twice

Option for those who cannot do turns because of Vertigo.
29-30… step left making ¼ CCW Turn,step right next to left
31-32… step left slightly bumping hips (2)

End of Dance

Last Revision on site - 28th August 2011