
Intermediate NC2S
Jordan Lloyd (UK) & Lyn Lloyd - July 2011
Blind - Jason Derulo : (iTunes)

Count In – 16 Counts From The Beginning Of The Song.

Step, Cross Rock Recover, Back Sweep, Behind, Forward ¼, Side ¼, Forward ½, Chasse Drag.
1, 2&Step forward on left, cross rock right in front of left , recover back on left.
3, 4Step back on right as you sweep left behind, step left behind right.
&5, 6Step forward on right as you make ¼ turn right, step left to left side making ¼ turn right, step forward on right as you make ½ turn right.
7&8Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side dragging right towards left.

Rock Recover Step, Run, Run, Touch, Run Back, Run Back, Touch Behind, Unwind 3/8 , Rock Recover.
1&2Rock back on right (as you do this face your body towards right diagonal and stay facing right diagonal), recover forward on left, step forward on right.
3&4Run forward left, right, touch left toes forward.
5&6Run back left, right, touch left toes back.
7Unwind 3/8 of a turn left finishing with weight on left.
8&Rock forward on right, recover back on left. *R2*

Back Sweep, Back Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock Recover, Side, Cross Rock Recover, forward ¼ , Step .
1, 2Step back on right as you sweep left behind, step back on left as you sweep right behind.
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross rock right over left .
5&6Recover back on left, step right to right side, cross rock left over right.
7&8Recover back on right, step left forward making 1/4 of a turn left, step right forward

Rock Recover, Back Lock, Out Out, Cross, Unwind Sweep ½, Behind Side Touch.
1 2Rock forward on left, recover back on right.
& 3Step back on left, cross right over left,
4&5Step left out to left side, step right out to right side, cross left over right.
6Unwind 1/2turn right sweeping right out.
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right next left.*R1*

Step Sway, Sway, Sway, Back Rock, Side, Behind, ¼, ½, Ball Step.
1, 2Step right to right as you sway hips right, sway hips left.
3, 4&Sway hips right, rock left behind right, recover on right.
5, 6&Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left forward making ¼ turn left.
7&8Step back on right making ½ turn left, step left next to right, step right forward.

Lunge, Recover Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Side, Rock, Recover, ¼ Back, Back, Drag Touch.
1, 2Lunge forward on left, recover back on right as you sweep left behind right.
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
&5Step right to right side, rock left behind right.
6&Recover forward on right, step back on left as you make ¼ turn right.
7, 8Step back on right dragging left towards right, touch left next to right.


*1st restart happens on the second wall after 32 counts, dance the dance up to and including count 31 and on count 32 instead of touching right next to left, step right next to left and then restart the dance from the beginning.
You will restart the dance facing the 6 o’clock wall.

*2nd restart happens on the fifth wall after 16 counts, dance up to counts 7 on section 2 as normal on counts 8& instead of doing Right Rock Recover do:
8&Step right to right side making ¼ turn left, touch left next to right.
You will restart the dance facing the 12 o’clock wall.