Go Seven

Ria Vos (NL) - November 2011
Seven Lonely Days - Bouke

Alt. Music: Go by The Refreshments, CD: Rarities (fast)

Intro for Bouke – 24 counts; [Intro for The Refreshments – 32 counts]

R Heel Grind, Fwd, Coaster Step, L Rock Fwd, Shuffle ½ Turn L
1-2Grind R heel Fwd, Recover on L
3&4Step Back on Ro, Step L next to R, step Fwd on R
5-6Rock Fwd on L, Recover on R
7&8Shuffle ½ Turn Left Stepping L, R, L (6:00)

R Heel Grind Fwd, Coaster Step, Point Fwd, Point Side, & Side Point, Hitch
1-2Grind R Heel Fwd, Recover on L
3&4Step back on R, Step L next to R, step Fwd on R
5-6L Point Fwd, L Point to Left Side
&7-8Step L next to R, Point R to Right Side, Hitch R

Chasse R, Rock Back, Side, Hold/Clap & Side, Hold/Clap
1&2Step R to Right Side, Step L next to R, Step R to Right Side
3-4Rock Back on L, Recover on R
5-6Step L to Left side, Hold/Clap
&7-8Step R next to L, Step L to Left side, Hold/Clap

Jazz Box ¼ Turn R, Point, Step Fwd, Point, Step Fwd
1-2Cross R over L, Step back on L ¼ Turn Right (9:00)
3-4Step R to Right side, Cross L over R
5-6Point R to Right Side, Step Fwd on R
7-8Point L to Left Side, Step Fwd on L