Standing On The Edge of Goodbye

Theresa Needham (UK) - December 2011
Standing on the Edge of Goodbye - Darren Busby : (CD: Invisible)

32 count intro from main beat. - Available as free download from

Side touches Right & Left, Rock recover walk back Right, Left, Sailor ¼ Right
1 & 2 &Touch R toe out to R side, step R beside L, Touch L out to L side, step L next to R
3 – 4Rock forward onto R, recover back onto L,
5 – 6Walk back on R, walk back on L
7 & 8Making ¼ turn R, sweep R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side 3-00

Cross rock, shuffle ¼ Left, shuffle ½ Left, Side rock recover
1 – 2Cross rock L over R, recover onto R
3 & 4Turning ¼ L step L forward step R together, step L forward 12-00
5 & 6Turning ½ L step R back step L together, step R back 6-00
7 – 8Rock L to L side, recover onto R

Cross side behind & heel, & cross rock chasse Right
1 – 2Step L across R, step R to R side
3 & 4Step L behind R, step R next to L, touch L heel forward
& 5 – 6Step L next to R, rock R over L, recover onto L
7 & 8Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side

Sway Left Right, Shuffle ¼ Left Step pivot ½ Left X 2 (or rocking chair)
1 – 2Sway L sway R,
3 & 4Turning ¼ L step L forward step R together, step forward on L 3-00
5 – 6Step forward on R pivot ½ turn L
7 – 8Step forward on R pivot ½ turn L
(option for steps 5 to 8, rocking chair)

Kickball step walk walk X 2
1 & 2Kick R foot forward, step R next to L, step forward on L
3 – 4Walk forward on R, walk forward on L
5 & 6Kick R foot forward, step R next to L, step forward on L
7 – 8Walk forward on R, walk forward on L

Forward rock recover shuffle ½ turn Right, Full turn Right, Shuffle forward
1 – 2Rock forward onto R, recover onto L,
3 & 4Turning ½ R step forward on R, step L beside R, step R forward 9-00
5 – 6Making ½ turn R step back on L, making ½ turn R step forward on R
7 & 8Step forward on L, step R next to L, step forward on L