Games People Play

Mel Fisher (UK) - February 2012
Games People Play - DJ Bobo

Side rock behind, side rock behind, side rock, forward rock, ½ turn right, ½ shuffle turn right
1&2Rock to right side, replace weight onto left, step right behind left
&3&4&Rock to left side, replace weight onto right, step left behind right, rock out on right, replace onto left
5&6Rock forward on right, replace weight on left, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
7&8½ shuffle turn right on left right left

Forward rock, side rock, kick ball touch, forward rock, ¼ left back rock, left lock left, touch
1&2&Rock forward on right, replace weight on left, rock to side on right, replace weight on to left
3&4Kick right forward, step onto right, touch left beside right
5&6&Rock forward on left, replace weight on right, ¼ turn left rocking onto left, rock forward onto right
7&8&Step forward on left, right behind left, step forward on left, touch right behind left

½ shuffle turn right, ¼ turn right, step, kick ball step, back rock, kick ball step
1&2½ shuffle turn right on right left right
3&4¼ turn right stepping left to side, replace weight onto right, step left beside right
5&6&7Kick right forward, step onto right, step onto left, rock back on right, replace on left,
&8&Kick right forward, step onto right, step onto left

Forward rock, ½ turn right, ¼ turn right, touch, side rock, behind, side step, side drag, touch
1&2Rock forward on right, replace onto left, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
3&4¼ turn right stepping left to side, replace weight onto right, touch left beside right
5&6&Rock to side on left, replace weight onto right, step left behind right, step to side on right
7&8Step to side on left, drag right up to left, touch

Restart dance after section two on second and fifth wall (you can hear it in the music!!!!!)