Roll Back The Rug

Tine Norup (DK) - February 2012
Roll Back The Rug - Scooter Lee

Section 1: Right and left Heel Switches Right Heel Hook
1-2touch right heel forward, step right beside left.
3-4touch left heel forward, step left beside right.
5-6touch right heel forward, hook right with left
7-8touch right heel forward step right beside left

Section 2: Left and Right Heel Switches Left Heel Hook
1-2touch left heel forward, step left beside right.
3-4touch right heel forward, step right beside left.
5-6touch left heel forward, hook left with right
7-8touch left heel forward, step left beside right

Section 3: Lock Step right Forward, Scuff, Lock Step left Forward scuff right,
1-2step forward right, lock left behind right
3-4step forward. Right, scuff left forward.
5-6step forward. Left, lock right behind Left
7-8step forward. Left, scuff right.

Section 4: Rocking Chair, Vine Right
1-2rock forward on right. Rock back on left.
3-4rock back on right. Rock forward on left.
5-6step right to right, left behind,
7-8right to right touch left to right

Section 5: Vine 1/4 Left, Jazz Box Right
1-2step left to left, right behind, left
3-4step left ¼ left, scuff right
5-6cross right in front of left step back on left
7-8right to right side small step forward on left

Section 6: Step Right, Brush Step Left, Brush Back Touch Clap
1-2step forward right. Scuff left forward.
3-4step forward left. Scuff right forward.
5-6step right back touch left to right clap
7-8step left back touch right to left clap

Section 7: Side Rock Cross right Hold Side Rock Cross left Hold
1-2rock right to right side recover onto left
3-4cross right over left, hold,
5-6rock left to left side recover onto right
7-8cross left over right, hold

Section 8: Step ¼ Turn Left, Right Cross, Hold Triple ¾ Right
1-2step right forward turn ¼ turn left
3-4cross right over left, hold
5-6turn ¼ right stepping back on left, turn ½ right step forward on right,
7-8step forward on left, hold