
Tina Summerfield (UK) - April 2012
Carmen - Gene Watson : (iTunes)

32 count Intro

Section 1: Cross rock, Hold; Recover ,Hook, , Step forward, Sweep, Cross, Hitch
1 - 2Cross rock forward on left, hold
3 - 4Rock back on right hook left across right (Still facing right diagonal) ( 1.30)
5 - 6Step forward on left, sweep right from back to front (Straighten up to 12.00 on sweep)
7 – 8Cross right over left, hitch left slightly across right (Swivel slightly on ball of right back to 1.30 on the hitch)

Section 2: Cross, Hold, Ball cross, Hold, Side rock, Recover ¼ turn left, Step forward, Hold
1 - 2Cross left over right, hold
&3 - 4Step ball of right next to left, cross left over right, hold
5 - 6Rock right to right side, making ¼ turn left recover to left (9.00)
7 – 8Step forward on right, hold
** (Restart here wall 7, you will restart facing 3.00)

Section 3: Step forward, Pivot ½ turn, Step forward, Hold, Forward rock, Recover, Step back. Hold
1 - 2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (3.00)
3 - 4Step forward on left, hold
5 – 6Rock forward on right, recover to left
7 – 8Step back on right, hold

Section 4: Walk back x2, Touch behind. Unwind ½ turn, ¼ turn, ½ turn ¼ turn
1 – 2Walk back on left, walk back on right,
3 – 4Touch ball of left behind right, unwind ½ turn left (taking weight onto left) ***(9.00)
5 – 6Making ¼ turn left step back on right, Making ½ turn left step forward on left
7 – 8Making ¼ turn left step right to right side, drag left to touch beside right (9.00)

*** ( styling on Section 4 : Count 3 - 4 make slight dip as you touch left behind right, straighten knees as you unwind )
(Easier option counts 5 -7 grapevine to right)

Restart: Wall 7 dance first 16 counts then restart **