Take It Easy (別緊張) (zh)

Theresa Chang (TW) - 2013年03月
Weed Instead of Roses - Ashley Monroe

Intro: 16 Counts /7 Secs (Start on Main Vocals).
起跳: 16拍(第七秒),唱歌時起跳

Tag: 4Counts on wall 11(6.00)
連接奏: 4拍在第11面六點鐘方向

1-2-3-4Triple Rf, Lf, Rf, Recover Lf

[1-8] Grape Vine滑輪步 , Jazzbox爵士步
1-2-3-4Rf to R, Lf behind Rf, Rf to R, Lf tourch Rf
5-6-7-8Rf over Lf, Lf behind RF, Rf close to Lf, Recover Lf

[9-16] Touch點, turn 1/4 左轉1/4
1-2tale a big side step to R with Rf , Lf toe touch to Rf
3-4&tale a big side step to L with Lf , Rf toe touch to Lf, make a 1/4 turn to L
5-6tale a big side step to R with Rf , Lf toe touch to Rf
7-8tale a big side step to L with Lf , Rf toe touch to Lf

[17-24] Scissors 剪刀步
1-2-3-4Rf to R, Lf beside Rf, Cross Rf over Lf, hold
5-6-7-8Lf to L, Rf beside Lf, Cross Lf over Rf, hold

[25-32] Mambo曼波步
1-2-3-4Rock Rf forward, recover on Lf. Rf close to Lf, hold
5-6-7-8Rock Rf forward, recover on Lf. Rf close to Lf, hold

Repeat 重覆

Tag: To keep the dance in phrase there is a tag on Wall 11(6.00).
*連接奏: 持續跳,在第11面六點鐘有一段4拍連接奏

Restart: Restart on Wall 11 (6.00) after Tag.

Enjoy the dance!

Contact: twtptheresa@hotmail.com - Website: http://linetw.com/twld/