Ready 4 Your Love

Kurt Fluger (DE) - May 2014
Ready For Your Love - Gorgon City & MNEK

(Intro 32 Counts at the “Heavy Beat”, 122bpm)

Side, Cross Rock, Side Chasse with ¼ Turn L, Fwd Step, ½ Turn L, ¼ Turn L Side Chasse
1 – 3Step with R to right side, Cross L in front of R, Weight back on R
4&5Step with L to left side, R next to L, ¼ Turn L stepping forward on L (9:00)
6, 7Forward step with R, make a ½ Turn left (Weight on L, 3:00)
8&1¼ Turn left stepping R to right side, L next to R, Step with R to right side (12:00)

Cross Rock-Out-Out/Sway, Sway with ¼ Turn R/Kick, Full Turn R, Back-Close-Side
2, 3Cross L in front of R, Weight back on R
&4, 5Small Step back with L (shoulder width), Step with R to right side (shoulder width) swing R-hip to right side, Swing L-hip to left side while doing ¼ turn right and kick forward with R (3:00)
6, 7½ turn right stepping forward on R, ½ turn right stepping back on L (3:00)
8&1Step back on R, L next to R, Long Step with R to right side

Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L, Fwd Walk 2, Mambo Step
2, 3Cross L in front of R, Step with R to right side
4&5Cross L behind R, ¼ Turn left stepping R to right side, Small Step forward with L (12:00)
6, 7Forward Step with R, Forward Step with L
8&1Forward Step with R, Weight back on L, Small step back with R

Back Rock, Side Rock, Cross, ¼ Turn L Back, Back
2,3Step back with L, Weight back on R
4,5Step with L to left side, Weight back on R
6,7Cross L in front of R, ¼ Turn left stepping back on R (9:00)
8Step back with L

Tag at the end of wall 9 (9:00): Tag at the end of wall 9 (9:00): Back Point, ½ Turn R, Back Point, ¼ Turn R
1 – 4Touch R-toe backwards, ½ Turn right (Weight on L!!!, 3:00), Touch R-Toe backwards, ¼ Turn right (Weight on L!!!, 6:00)
