One Thing

Magi Gii (TW) - September 2014
One Thing - One Direction

Intro : 8 count

[1-8] Rock Fwd ,Recover,Close, Left Fwd, Pivot Turn L, Close, Fwd, Touch
1-2&Rock forward right. Recover on left ,close right beside left
3-4&Rock forward left. Recover on right. Close left beside right,
5-6&step right forward, pivot turn 1/2 left ,close right beside left (6.00)
7-8Step forward on left, touch right next to left.

[9-16] Sway R Side, Recover, Close , 1/4 turn L, Drag,Touch,Side Dragx2
1-2Rock right to right side. Recover on left.
&3 4Step right beside left., Make ¼ left ,step left fwd, drag right next to left (3.00)
5-6Step right to right side, drag left slightly next to right
7-8Step left to left side, drag Right slightly next to Left

[17-24] Samba x2 , Full Turn Right
1&2Cross R over L, rock L to L side, recover weight to R (&)
3&4Cross L over R, rock R to R side, recover weight to L (&)
5-8Make a full turn right stepping R-L-R-L

[25-32] Step/ flickx2, Rock Right, Recover,step back, heel twists R ,L
1-2Step right fwd, Flick on left
3- 4Step left fwd, Flick on right
5-6Rock right Fwd , recover on left
7&8Place right foot back, twist both heels R(&) twist heels back to centre with weight on L

Restart : Wall 5 after 16 count ( 3.00), wall 11 after 24 count (9.oo)

Have Fun !

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